Monday, May 7, 2007

36RSO Project progress 4

Last 2 weeks
  • most of the time spent on correcting the code for new type of clipmaps - synthesized
  • synthesized clipmaps are updated using GPU unlike levels updated from heightmap
  • synthesized levels smoothly add noise to levels with real height data or synthesize terrain from scratch
  • implemented mid-point displacement - easy and fast algorithm with good results. New height values on finer levels are sampled from a randomly generated noise texture. Range for the displacement is always halved on finer level

W/o noise With noise
W/o noise
With noise

Next 2 weeks
  • try more complex algorithms for synthesization - perlin noise etc.
  • when generating terrain from scratch either use the same algorithm or implement special algorithm only for this purpose
  • solve problem with precision limits when packing 2 float height values into one using integral and fractional part in height value textures